Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > BLACK ALGAE


25 9:01:32

I have found a couple of posts about hydrogen peroxide working to kill the algea. It was posted that it is pretty dangerous for fish though. Have you heard of this?  I would move the fish to another tank for a few days to try it.  




Followup To

Question -
I have never had this problem before. In a 75 gallon fresh water tank. There is this stringy black algae growing off a bunch of my live plants.  

It has spread to some rocks and as well to the power head and filter. It is very very hard to remove from the plastic.  

What are the best ways of getting rid of this?

Also I have a group of Clown Loachs.  When I moved some of them to this current tank a few months ago their color was very pale in the black strip. It has stayed that way.

While others in there have very very very black stripes.  Is there any way to get them back to their previously colorful selves?  They all eat well and have lots of energy.

thank you


Answer -
Dear Ken,
I'm sorry to say this but unfortunately it is difficult to get rid of black brush algae effectively. Manuel removal is very hard and often results in damage to plants leaves. It is said from many trusted sources that Siamese Algae eaters will keep this algae in check. Removing and discarding the affected leaves and plants and taking out affected equipment and scrubbing it with an algae scrubber or using a razor blade may help. Also making sure you aren't overferilizing and increasing your water changes may also help cure this problem.

I'm not too sure about your Clown loaches. I would bet on water quality first. Be sure that your ammonia and nitrite tests out at ZERO and nitrate is 20 or less. If in doubt, always insure to do at least a 30-50% water change over the next several days and see how your Clown Loaches improve. Clown loaches may fade if they are frightened, acclimating to a new tank, or ill. Their colors can also fade with age so keep this in mind also.
Keep a close eye on your Clowns, it may be nothing serious at all. Perhaps age? Or maybe they just need more time to adjust to this new tank...maybe something is missing that they preferred in their old tank that is not present in the new one?

I really hope this helps and feel free to write with anymore concerns!

Best wishes and good luck with your algae problem and Clown loaches!!!!

Dear Ken,
I honestly never heard of using hydrogen peroxide to kill algae. I wouldn't risk it in my aquarium. It is also said that because algae derives much of it's nutrients from the water and most aquatic plants rooted get their nutrients from the substrate. You might want to try a very vigorous growing floating plant that would outcompete the algae.
But remember, this algae is still very difficult to get rid of completey. Siamese Algae eaters would be great!

I really hope this helps!
Best of luck!