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green barbs

23 16:42:20

I have 2 green barbs along with 2 black tetras and 2 golden barbs. The green barbs are acting like they are kissing,then they spin around each other and one will do a headstand and quiver, then they will both do a headstand then swim in perfect unison. I have had this type of fish before but have never witnessed this  behavior. Is this a mating dance or a vie for dominance? They do not chase the other fish and are eating very well. All tank specs could not get any better and the temp is within range. Would appreciate any feedback. Thank you again for your time, Kellie

Hi Kellie,
The Green Barbs behavior could actually be both things. It may be part of a mating dance or a 'pecking order' display. These barbs as a rule have a strict pecking order and sometimes they often like to play-fight with each-other and often it can get too rough. Especially if there are just a few fish. And when they are 1 on 1 then you could run into problems with nipped fish. So keep watch on that. Green barbs really do best if they are in a group of 6 or more to distribute the aggressive tendancies more evenly. It's a very interesting behavior to watch them do their play-fights and displays. I've seen this with other species of barbs also.

Best of luck with everything!
Happy fishkeeping,