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Too many guppies!

23 16:58:52

I have a guppy tank which produces a lot of guppies. I put my babby guppies in my other tank. The tank includes 2 red eared sliders (who are friendly to bigger fish like my pleco) one pleco ten goldfish and some ghost shrimp. What fish can i put in my tank to decrease my guppy population but not eat all the guppies or goldfish. Basically how can i balance the population out?

Well the simple way to get rid of the babies is use them as feeders to other fish. Get like a Gourami or something else that is a community fish but won't be too aggressive to the parents. Gouramies work well in my opion, there mouths are just big enough for fry but too small for other fish like your guppies. Or the very simple way to get rid of them is too flush down the drain my friend. But that's kinda cruel so just get a peaceful fish that's mouth is just big enough for babies sized guppies. :)  Good Luck.