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ich (ick) & white egg-like sacs on aquarium glass

25 9:15:47

Hello, I need a little help with a freshwater aquarium diagnostic problem.  I have had a Nano Cube 12 gal. for about 2 months.  I have one male Betta, three corys, one rubbermouth plecostomus, and ten neon tetras.  I also have some live plants.  The levels of pH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and alkalinity are all at optimum levels.  About two weeks ago, I made an amateur mistake and did a 'deep' clean of the aquarium, removing all the fish, and cleaning everything (with the exception of the filters, bioballs, and ceramic rings).  I cleaned the gravel with a siphon and then refilled the aquarium with the water I use, which is reverse osmosis (to which I add the necessary minerals and buffers).  After returning the fish to the aquarium, I began seeing what I thought were signs of ich, I believe due to the stress of the abrupt water temperature changes.  Salt-like crystals were evident on the betta and shortly thereafter, the rubbermouth.  I started using QuICK Cure, leaving the lights off.  I lost my rubbermouth and have gotten another one recently, deciding to introduce it while I was still treating the tank.  I have another issue that makes me wonder if I really have ich.  I have tons of little white egg-like sacs all over everthing.  They are covering the rocks, ornaments, walls, plants, everything.  The little sacs were first closed little bubbles then they seemed to burst and now are waving in the breeze.  Question one:  What are those sacs and are they related to ich?  Question two:  If they are not related to ich, have I been treating the wrong disease on these fish?  Question three:  How long am I going to have to treat the tank to rid the whole aquarium of the parasites?  The final question, question four:  When will it be safe to clean my tank of all those sacs without stressing the fish (in other words, when will their immune system be back to full strength)?

I really appreciate your help in this matter.  I have been going nuts trying to find something about this somewhere but haven't had any luck.  Thanks so much in advance.

Hi Bryan;

If the little sacs look stringy or fluffy like cotton, it may be rotting fish eggs infected with bacteria or fungus. Cory cats will sometimes lay eggs all over that way. Their spawning was stimulated by the fresh clean water. If the eggs aren't fertilized, they get fungus or bacteria on them that looks kind of cottony. It could also be a type of algae or slime-mold. I don't think it's related to the ich. Wipe the stuff off of surfaces and make a 25% water change. Avoid draining the tank though. As you have discovered, it is very stressful to the fish to remove them for cleaning. If you are ever forced to do that again, make sure the tank water and the water the fish are waiting in is the same temperature. It helps to float them in plastic bags in the freshly cleaned tank for 10 minutes as if you were bringing home new fish from the store. It acclimates them to the temperature gradually.

Ich should be treated for a week to 10 days. Regardless of what the label on the Quick Cure says, ich cannot be cured in less than a week. Quick Cure is an excellent product, but the parasites are becoming immune to what we use and need longer treatment to eliminate.

Let me know how things are going.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins