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fish that can tolerate low ph

23 15:42:22

could you recommend  some fish that can tolerate water that stays at about 6.6 to 6.8.having good luck with  tetras and neons . how about any corys , plecos, or algae eaters?? thank you

Hi Ruth Ann

Most all tropical fish will be fine in a pH of 6.5 to 7.5 as long as it is stable. It's when the pH fluctuates greatly that it becomes stressful to fish. Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, common Plecos and Mollies can tolerate a lower pH. The pH will fluctuate a little day to day, but if it remains stable between 6.6 and 6.8 you should be good to go with whatever fish you want to keep.

Hope this helps, good luck!
