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my frog is spinning

23 15:18:32

so the past couple of days i noticed that my albino frog seems dead, hes stiff and just floats around in the water. i will go to take him outta the tank and he starts moving, so today i was looking for him and found him next to the filter. we thought he was dead and all of a suddend he starts spinning in a spiral direction almost outta control. it kinda scared me.. is this normal? what could this be

Hi Dawnia,
I'm not an expert on frogs. But from what I have experienced from fish and other aquatic creatures.. That this type of behavior could certainly mean something is seriously wrong. He might be dying. Or he may be becoming ill. Does he live with any other tankmates? How are they behaving?

Do a 30% water change (make sure to add dechlorinator in the new water and try to match the temperature to the old water) and see how that helps. Frogs can be just as sensitive to poor water quality as fish. A water change never hurts in any case where fish or frogs are acting off.

Then he may be just having an odd bout of strange behavior. If the behavior continues for more than several hours to a day then something may be wrong. We can't really be certain what exactly...until he starts to show more symptoms.

Good luck!!