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5 gallon

23 15:54:04


Currently I have a male betta in a 5 gallon tank alone with a filter, heater, caves and fake plants. He is about 1.5 inches long. I've been looking for a compatible tankmate for him. I tried ghost shrimp but he just ate them all.

I am wondering if a couple of dwarf frogs would be a good idea? My main concern is that a 5 gallon tank would not be able to comfortably house all three of them.

Thank you very much!

Hi Sammie

Unfortunately, to provide a Betta with tankmates, you'd need at least a 10 gallon. There just isn't enough room in a 5 gallon for more than the Betta.

In a 10 gallon, Mollies, Dwarf Gouramis and Cory Cats would make good tankmates for him.

Hope this helps, good luck!
