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recurring problem

23 16:29:43

You may remember me writing in twice previously about a betta that was laying around and jerking away from objects as if zapped. He was unresponsive to Betta Revive, and I assumed he was just succumbing to age, although I had only had him for about 4 months. He passed away shortly after the second time I wrote in, but now yet another of my bettas is exhibiting the same symptoms. After more observation and research, here are the facts: I've had the betta in question for 6 months, I keep him in a 1 gallon tank that stays somewhere between 75-80F, I change water once a week, and water test results turn out safe. I feed him flake food twice a day, three times a week. His symptoms include: very tightly clamped fins, paler color, mostly lethargic, suddenly jerking away from aquarium decorations and darting, appears to be breathing more heavily, and what appear to be small red tips/(almost seem like balls?) on his fins. Was unresponsive to a week's treatment of kanamycin.
I'd really appreciate any ideas you might have, particularly because I want to prevent this from spreading to my other bettas. Thanks again in advance.

Hi Stephanie,
I'm really sorry to hear about your betta problems. It sounds like whatever illness your bettas keep getting could be contagious. However, unfortunately I'm not really quite sure what the disease would be exactly. Sometimes parasites on a fish can cause them to dart about wildly. Clamped fins and heavy breathing are also symptoms of external parasites.

You might want to try doing daily 70% water changes (to remove excess parasites in the water as well as their eggs), try adding aquarium salt (make sure to pre-dissolve it in a cup of tank water before hand and add little bits at a time)  salt can discourage parasites. You could also try a anti-parasite medication. Maracide made by mardel is one parasitic medication.

But keep in mind I am only using an educated guess to this whole betta sickness problem. If these were my fish, I'd do the water changes, salt addition, and medication and watch the fish closely. Hopefully the little betta's not too far gone to recover.

I'm still researching this and if I can come up with anything else. I will contact you again immediately.

Best wishes and happy holidays!