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Dead Betta

23 17:02:18

Hi Chloe, thanks for writing back, I did change all the water and cleand the bowl, I did not know I was supposed to only clean half of the water out.
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Hi, is it unusual for the tail to be broken off when it dies and for it to be all white? I only moved it from the tank once a week to just clean it and I only transport it on the weekends, becuase where I work, my job turns off the air on the weekends, but it actually died at home, and it has been over a week since I had moved it becuase I had not bowl to transport it in.
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Hello, last night my crown tail betta died. I have had him for 2 or 3 months and have no problems, I feed him flake food and sometimes freeze dried blood shrimp, I change the water weekly, but lately he has not been eating like usual. I used to take him to work with me but then his glass bowl when I was cleaning it, so I had to put him in a smaller bowl, I was going to buy a new bowl so I could transport him back and forth to home and my job. When he died he was extremly white looking and look covered in it and also when we were taking him out, his tale just broke off, any idea or suggestion what might have happened? Thanks so much!
Hi Amy,
Transporting your fish too many times most definetly killed your betta. Usually a fish should not be moved from its tank unless its really needed. Your betta probably died from stress. A fish should only be moved to be put into a quarantine tank or to be moved to another tank for a permanent home. This causes a lot of stress to a fish.

Hi Amy,
If the tail had been broken off and he was white all over he was probably suffering from a bacterial infection.
This is usually caused by bad water quality and stress.
If your transporting him on weekends that is enough to stress him out and cause death. Also, when you were cleaning his bowl did you replace all of the water? This would have also caused his death due to the killing of the beneficial bacteria.


Hi Amy,
You must never replace all of the water. The water has benficial bacteria that is good for the fish and if this is all taken away by adding clean water straight from the tap it will cause the fish death. I suspect the reason his tail fell off was probably due to a severe case of tail rot. Tail rot is caused by bad water quality as in your case when you replaced all the water the ammonia levels went straight up. Can i also say that when adding water to your tank you must always add water dechlorinator to get rid of all the harmful metal compounds that are toxic to fish.
