Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > question that has me stumped

question that has me stumped

23 16:35:51

Chris,                                                       I am new on this site. I am Tina Quiao. Expert in fish . I referred someone to you . She has me stumped on a question about her platys. I noticed they put her into the question pool. The title is platys with eating disorders... her name is Didi.... I think her platy may be older or not comfortable .....maybe she added fish after she already had her in there. Anyway, like I said I am new here and still trying to get around her abit....Please if you could get to her as soon as possible that would be great.  I hope you can help her baby and the baby. Thank you, Tina

Hi Tina;

Thanks for helping out. If you didn't send her question to the pool yourself, your questioner probably asked another expert too and they couldn't help so they dumped her question to the pool. It happens. Many questioners ask several of us to get more than one opinion on their trouble.

Sometimes tech support can take days to respond depending on their workload. They really do try their best and are always helpful and courteous once they get to us though. Hopefully she will find me and be able to ask me her question. I'll watch for it...  

Thanks for volunteering!

Chris Robbins