Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > good scavengers

good scavengers

23 15:34:27

QUESTION: Hello i have a 50 gallon tank with 4 cichlids, 2 silver dollars, 1 kissing gourami, and 12 inch yellow bullhead catfish. I have to feed my fish a lot of food to keep them happy. however, somedays they don't eat as much, so food hits the gravel. I want a good scavenger for my tank. the fish has to be fast enough or smart enough to avoid the catfish. thanks


The catfish is a predator, yes.  I recommend a loach.  A really big clown loach or two would scavenge and eat things and they are pretty good at hiding from catfish, but watch them, just incase.

I wouldn't let food hit the bottom anymore, but some will always hit.  Just try your best and it should really help out.


I hope this helps and you feel free to write back anytime.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello, I have only been keeping fish for 2 years now, and i never paid any attention to my tanks water parameters except pH. I never had a problem with them before. What is alkalinity and hardness. Also what should they be for a south American fish community. thanks

ANSWER: South American fish encompasses many species, but if they are Amazon or Black Water fishes, they prefer a lower PH than normal fishes.  7.0 is what i keep my Tetra at.  They also prefer tannin in the water, but I only recommend it if you are breeding the fishes.

I would explain the three terms, but I think this guy does a great job of it.

It is highly important to the fishes' survival to have good levels.:)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello, my tanks nitrates are a bit high so I will like to add a few plants. My tank does not have any plant additives can i add them at any time. how do you anchor plants to the tank. also what are the hardiest plants.thanks

PS: do you know of any plants that will float

Duck weed floats, as do lillypads.

You will have to check the plant's light requirements.  I suggest low-light plants.  Normal aquarium lights are not sufficient for planted tanks with most other types of plant.

You can add them at any time.

They will drastically increase water quality.

Anchoring is easy.  Remove any lead clips on the plants and just submerse the roots sufficiently in gravel.

Happy fish-keeping,
