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Angelfish fins

25 9:10:53

i have a new tank set up and it has already gone through the cloudyness and ammonia and nitrate rise and drop, but now my ammonia is creeping up again.. i fear that my angelfish are suffering.. it appears as though their fins are rotting away.. theres white spots on their pectoral fins.. and these only.. any answers for me?

Does it look as if they have been sprinkled with salt?  If so then I would say they probbaly have ick.
BUT, since you mention it looks as if their fins are rotting it may be fin/tail rot.
Both can be treated.  I like fungus clear by jungle for fin rot and most other things. (there is pictures and descriptions of illness on the back of the box)
It does not treat ick though, you will need a seperate medicine for that.
You can get these things are Wal-Mart.  Good luck!