Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > shrivled top lip

shrivled top lip

23 16:50:50

i have been treating my goldfish with salt and warmer water for ick.  when i
woke up this morning his top lip was kind of shrivled-like i have him
something REALLY sour.  but it's only his top lip; his bottom lip kind of sticks
out and the whole front of his face seems swolen into his mouth.  he can't
really suck in food anymore now. (although he tries, god bless him!) his
bottom lip does seem a little white-although i've never seen him stick it out
this much-and i'm wondering if he may have an infection after his ick bout.

i just don't know what to do about his lip!  i can see that there is a very small
hole that water is getting through, and a little bit of fish flakes after they're
soggy.  but i fear he may get worse!


First off- make sure you are not adding too much salt to your tank. Fish have very sensitive ecosystems.

If that is not the problem, then I recommend following-up your ick treatment with a product called Melafix. It is a natural antibacterial. It is possible that your fish's immune system was weakened because of the ick and that it caught another disease. Melafix should help.

I hope this helps.
