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Betta bubble nest blues

23 15:26:09

I have set up a 1/2 Styrofoam cup as suggested for the male betta to blow a bubble nest, which he does, he blows and blows bubbles, and they pop almost as fast as they hit the surface. This seems to go on and on and meanwhile, they are so ready that I know they would breed at any time if only the bubbles would build up. This has actually happened with many different males, and ended the same tragic way... complacency. It must be the water, as ours is very hard, so as suggested I tried some water conditioner with aloe. So far nothing is working, and need instant nest now. Any other suggestions for this delima.

Hi Jamie,
Hmmm... Is there any kind of current going on in the aquarium such as from an airstone or filter? Obviously this would cause bubbles to break and nests to fail frequently.

I don't think the hard water would be the problem. Around where I live, I have hard water as well. But my bettas have been able to build quite thick bubblenests. The key here is the males have to keep maintaining it and building it up to a level where if they swim around it or bump into it, it doesn't immediately disperse and break apart. Sometimes male bettas just need time and experience to build a proper nest. Sometimes they need encouragement to keep building, like warm temperatures (82F) and water changes.

I would also trying creating different nest sites for him. Maybe he doesn't like the location of the nest. Bettas do seem to change their preferences as far as nest building sites. Try some live floating plants like Java Moss or water sprite.

And then some pairs just need a break from each-other. Breeding bettas is quite a gamble and you may need to try different things until the pair gets things right.

I do hope this helps and best of luck!!