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compatibility of tank mates...

23 16:19:51

can sharks and algae eaters be tank mates?

By sharks I imagine you mean catfish like sharks, bala sharks, rainbow sharks, redtail sharks, and those common varieties? Assuming you mean the common freshwater sharks you can buy in the store, yes, algae eaters can be in the tank with sharks. The cool thing about algae eaters is they keep to themselves and are tank cleaners, which means they mainly stay to walls, gravel, or sides of decor. In the area sharks are, even the aggressive ones, the algae eaters do not go so nearly no sharks are bothered by them. Also, algae eaters, more so the mature ones over 6 inches, have a protective sheild around them. They have almost like an armor on thier skin that helps them stay protected. Have fun! I hope this helps.