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hair algae on sponge!

23 15:26:01

QUESTION: I have an established 10 gallon FW tank. Peram. stay pretty even at AM-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-trace, Phos-0, GH & KH 10 degrees, PH-7.4. Temp 77. Have 6 Neons, 1 Mollie, 1 4 month old male guppy 3 ottocinclus. Water changes 2 1/2 gals. every 3 weeks.  Feed Hitchari pellets, once a day what they eat in 30 seconds. Feed cucmber for ottos once a week (only 24 hours in water). Water to change is bought (UV treated) and params are extremely close when I change water and use Tetra Aqua Safe Plus.

Hvae hair algae all over sponge and the PennyWort seems to start it!  Clean sponge in old water removed every 2 months.  I don't think I have enough substate as every time I change water get bactererial bloom for a couple of days (gravel).  Also run AA9W UV sterilizer.  Otto's keep going down bubbler tubing and I have to pull them out.  Want to switch to Aquaclear like my 20 gal FW. How can I switch then, afraid to use bit of old sponge from sponge filet with hair algae all over the top of it!  Kmow I am asking a lot of questions!  Plan on adding more substrate gravel.  Thank you!! Diane S.

ANSWER: Diane,
I will attemt to answer this in order...or something close anyway...
Instead of changing 2.5gals every 3 weeks, change 1 to 1.5 gals per week...better to do more
frequent changes than larger ones spaced farther apart.
Its less impact on the system.
Frankly you can use aged tap water in stead of UV water, just set aside a plastic milk jug and fill it with tap water...or spring water or well water the last two being the best...but not critical to your system.
You can continue to use aqua safe or not, with small changes of aged water or untreated water its not necessary..
Is your tank getting any indirect sunlight from a window?
the hair algae is unsightly at best, otto's wont eat it...about the only thing that will are snails and thats a whole other issue....
I would delete the UV as it kills everything good or bad..
the truth of the matter is the biofilter lives on the substrate,filter pads, etc ..very little in the actual water column.
hook the aquaclear up to your tank now and run it, it will "charge" up in 24-36hrs...then remove the sponge.
You should have a minimum of 2.5 inches of pea gravel as a substrate...3 is ok...
do not clean your gravel when you add in more, just rinse the new and put it right in.
The bacteria bloom is a result of an increase in ammonia from water change, sponge cleanse etc..
you have a small tank and its not as stable as a larger all things must be done slowly and in small increments in order to not upset the biosystem....
Re-cap, less volume, more frequent water changes, more gravel...monitor food and try not to over feed...start aquaclear, and you can;t keep ottos out of the tubes..HA...with the aquaclear you will have plenty of water exchange at the surface so you can eliminate aeration if you wish...
I think you will be fine..enjoy your aquarium!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I wish I could use my well water but it all goes through our iron and water softner! My Mom's well water is incredibly high in nitrates (live in country common problem with farmers and fertilizers!# I have tested the spring water from two stores. Two brands are fine but one is very high in AM and Phosphate! All spring water in bottles here is UV and all. It does make sense about to much water at a time and I never change water and clean sponge at the same time. My new Aquaclear will come in 2 weeks.  Should I put my air stone in for extra aeration for now? The fish are not gasping or hanging at top.  Should I test it more until the new filter comes? #Use API).  You are so right! Little tank is harder and do NOT have enough substrate at all!  You are great and I appreciate your help greatly!  Merry Christmas!  D.S.

Ok on the there a natural spring near you?
I have used lake water, brook water, etc etc etc....
however, UV water will not hurt anything at all so if thats what you have thats what you have.
The airstone does not add 02 to the water, what it does is facilitate 02 exchange at the is your is not necessary at this point however if you are comfortable using it, then by all means put it in.
don;t worry about KH, DH, etc etc...the only thing you need to be concerned about is ammonia spikes and nitrate build will change as the tank matures going to the acid side, so its good to have water with mmineral content to buffer the tank up..
also you have some fish from asia, some from S.America and some from brackish water so in order to keep these guys all happy...the easy part is temp 78 ph 7.0-7.6 or so...and you are there....good luck, and Merry Christmas to you as well....