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aquarium set up and ich with scaless fish

25 9:17:08


I am going to set up a 720 gal. tank and I would like to have a sand bottom,
I was wondering what kind of sand i should use.  I have heard of silicon sand but i dont know if that would have some kind of affect on my fish.  i was then thinking of trying to go to a riverside or a beach or something. if you could point me in the right direction that would be awesome.
now the fish I am gonna get in there are the Irridescent sharks, silvertip, or black finned sharks, and the pictus catfish.  I have had a hard time with Ich in my 10 gal aquarium, and i think I have that figured out now.  I use stress coat to put the slime back on the fish and i also use salt, and i never use store water, and I assume with a bigger tank the water wont change as much  there fore no more ich (or atleast not as much)  but i guess my question is, what would you recomend to get rid of ich with these scaless fish?
thanks for your time


For type of sand, only use the stuff that you can buy from a fish store that says it is aquarium safe. Beach sand can have all sorts of bad things in it and can cause major problems.

As for ich- the little parasite are brought to life by temperature fluctuations. Use two heaters if you must, just make sure you keep a steady temperature. Fluctuations can be caused by direct sunlight or a cold window. When your fish do get ich, turn the temperature up to about 82F. Add a store boughten ich cure as well as some aquarium salt. The trick is to turn the temperature up a bit, because the ich parasite can't stand warmer temperatures.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie