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Golden Gouramis

23 16:46:52

I have two golden Gouramis and have noticed that just there bellys are a bit bloated they aren't acting any different they are energetic and livly and seem to have nothing wrong with them it isn't constipation cause I have seen them poop I was just wandering what it might be

Good evening Nolan,

I am terribly sorry not to have been able to respond sooner. I had unexpected computer trouble and just this evening was finally able to get it sorted out.

Bloat is usually caused by two reasons - diet and water quality. Whenever anything seems off with your fish - behaviorally or visually - the first thing to do is check the water quality. Any ammonia or nitrites? These levels are 0 ppm in a healthy, cycled tank. Nitrates should be under 20 ppm as well. I have found that bloat is sometimes a result of the fish being exposed to high nitrates. 50% water changes every week (or even twice a week) for a month will bring these levels back down under normal circumstances.

The second thing to consider is diet. Are you feeding a variety? There are lots of things you can offer, so don't just feed flakes. Look here for some suggestions:

Generally speaking, a diet of fresh, frozen and dried foods makes for a healthy yet convenient feeding regimen. Offer shelled peas (frozen and thawed or canned, but never salted) as well as bits of cucumber, spinach or lettuce on a clip to provide roughage and supplement with frozen cubes - vitamin/spirulina enhanced brine shrimp, bloodworm, whiteworm, daphnia and mysis shrimp are all fine choices. Frozen cyclops are an extremely high protein food but fantastic for color enhancement. Alternate frozen and fresh and then the other 50% can be dried food - flakes or pellets, and try to keep them in the fridge to keep them fresh. After between 3-6 months, replace with another kind. Dried foods lose their savory taste after a while, and different brands/kinds provide different nutrients.

As a preventative measure, I would do a 50% water change and add 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt per 10 gallons. This salt can be found at any pharmacy and may help clear up the bloat.

Take care!

P.S. I recommend the following two sites to everyone:

This last has quite a bit of information about gouramis!