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lumpy neons

25 9:17:07

 I have 4 neon tetras, I read a post today about pregnant tetras.  How do you know if they are pregnant.  3 of mine have bumpy bellies.  skin around the bumps appears a little bluer.  If this means they are pregnant, and i am not interested in breeding them.  is there a way to stop them from making eggs? (dumb question) so that they don't look so worn out?

 Thank you

Hello Jim,
Gravid Neons can be told by their overall plumpness in their middle region of their body. This is very likely what you are seeing in yours. Only good water conditions and a good diet cause females to become filled with eggs. But you shouldn't stop doing either of those things! It appears you are taking excellent care of your fish!!

But you have little worry about having an excess of baby neons fry. They aren't the easiest to actually get to spawn and the babies are very tiny and delicate. So no worry there. And if a pair does spawn the eggs are frequently and almost always eaten by other fish--or the parents themselves. Your gravid neons will likely eventually either reabsorb their unlaid eggs, or expel them eventually either by the presence of a male or with time. Rarely do females keep their eggs forever.
You should feel good about having gravid neons. They are a sure sign they are recieving the best of care.

Nature will regulate the frequency of females becoming plump with eggs. They probably won't always be big and their bodies should naturally take a brake from producing eggs.

I really hope this helps! If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me...

Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!