Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > angelfish has red fins

angelfish has red fins

23 15:35:25

QUESTION: Hi Renee- just recently I have noticed that one of my angels had some red on the inside of his mouth and one of his fins was red right next to his body. He wasnt eating, but would go up like he wanted too. I also had a cory that had some sort of white on his mouth and thought it was a fungal infection. So I treated for that but it didnt help. So I spoke to someone from here and he said that it sounded liked a bacteria infection. so I treat with some stuff for about a week, did the water change. that angel is eating now, not as much as he usually does. And now I have noticed some of my other angels have the red fins and one of them had some part of the fins looks like it was sort of nipped at. I have 4 corys, 2 chiclid parrot fish and a silver dollar along with my 6 angelfish. what should I be doing? they all seem to be eating- asides from that one not eating much. Can you help me??

ANSWER: Hi Kelli,

Are you using tap water?  If so, no matter if you use a well water or a city water, the water has to be dechlorinated.  There is also chloramine in the water.

Red fins, red around mouth = poisoning or burning.

There are a few causes of thise:

1.  Ammonia/nitrite/nitrate poisoning burns the fins and gills - Caused by dirty water and improper filtration.  Remember, all filters require cleaning at least once a month.  Even canisters, and freshwater tanks require changes monthly, at least 30% of the water.  Gravel must be cleaned bi-monthly with a suction.  

To test for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate poisoning:  Take water from tank and put some in a white bowl.  Can you see the water?  If the water is not crystal clear, it's not sufficient for the fish and it's bad.  Please change water, clean tank and filter.  Modify feeding to as much as a fish eats in 2 minutes.  Feed once a day only.  

2.  Injury - The fish can be injured by another fish.  Someone stands out to me in your collection of fish.  Parrot fish are notoriously aggressive toward tankmates.

3.  Chlorine/Chloramine poisoning - In the world now, even wellwater is treated with a chemical called Chloramine.  Chlorine dissipates after 24 hours.  Chloramine does not.  It takes about five days to kill the fish.

I would take the tank and add some dechlorinator tonight, just incase that's the reason.

You should also change out fifty percent of the water and replace it with new, clean filters and everything in the tank.

If you see actual cotton forming, see cloudy fins, or other signs, then please feel free to email me back, but I believe your issue is one of the 3 above, and quite possibly a combination of all 3.

I hope this helps. :)  Happy fish-keeping.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again Renee-
 So I took out the water and put it in a white bowl and the water was clear. I do only feed once a day and as for the injury from tthe fish- the only ones that I see go for each other it the parrot fish. I have never seen them go towards others. I see the angels go towards each other then the parrots. I havent treated for the choramine yet, Im trying to treat them with Tri-sulfa or whatever its called by API. I am also doing aquarium salt. It is 2nd day of treament and I have 2 more days left. I noticed tonight that one of the angels seems to be doing better, he had a white film over his body and it was easy to see because he is a black angel. But now the parrts have white spots on them like its ich. But none of the other fish have them. Could i have caused the ich and should I treat the ich for when Im using the tri-sulfa?? is it safe to do them both at the same time?? I want to get this all taken care of, if choramine really kills fish in 5 days, then why arent my fish dead??? I do clean my filters once a month and totally replace them every 3 months. I never have really cleaned the rocks, and never had a problem before. Im sort of getting frustrated because nothing seems to be working and I dont want to lose my fish, though they seem to be doing ok despite the red fins. Help again!!

Hi Kelli,

Chloramine doesn't kill all the fish in 5 days, all the time.  Some are more sensitive, and some are not.

I suspect it is an issue, regardless of other issues, because the description is that of a poisoned fish...if the water is good, and the fish are not at the top breathing hard, it's got to be from the un-treated water.

I know you just bought meds, but this is my advice:

I would not use the medication.

I'd isolate the sick fish in a hospital tank, heated to 80 degrees and I'd add 3 teaspoons of marine salt per gallon to that water.

Ich will die immediately in salted water.  Fungus and bacteria all die in salted water.

This is the most professional recommendation I can give you, and it is my expert advice.

I am going to stick around tonight incase you need to email and will check periodically to see if he's okay.

