Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Swordtail - white bump (not spots)

Swordtail - white bump (not spots)

23 16:43:00

QUESTION: I have a red female swordtail who has a raised white bump on her back.  Help!  I originally thought it was Ick but this bump does not look like 'grains of salt.'  She seems to be swimming and eating normally.  What should I do?

ANSWER: Perhaps it is a fungus. It is not ick unless it looks like salt, you are right just one bump would not be ick. How big is it on the fish? My first thought was a fungus but considering she is eating and acting normal, including not clamped fins (?), I imagine it could or could not be a fungus. You could treat her for a fungus, just get a broad fungus treatment and follow the directions, exactly. If it is not a fungus, it could be a tumor. Yes, fish can get tumors. Sad thing, not much you can do if it is. However, my instinct is saying a fungus. But I also think it possible to be an injury? Perhaps she rubbed on something or there is a bully in the tank? Let me know more specs and I will try and help you furthur or let me know any more questions you may have. Hope she is still well.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, Rachael - this morning I looked at her and the bump is gone - there is an indentation where the bump used to be.  Should I still treat for a fungus or just do a regular water change and hope for the best?

Considering it is gone, I would wait and see what happens. Do the partial water change, bout 10%, and watch it closely for a week or so. If nothing else develops, it may or may not have been a parasite or disease or even a cancer, or it could have also just been an injury. As long as she is eating well, fins are normal, acting and swimming normal, and doesnt develop any new spots, bumps, or funny stuff, she should be fine. Let me know if she encounters anything else or if you have more questions. Happy to help you.