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Canary Yellow Fish

25 9:02:45



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Question -
I have recently set up an aquarium in the past 8-10wk, & I don't seem to be having much sucess, I have 2 goldfish which i had previous to my aquarium which were kept in a bowl, at the moment Its my Canary Yellow I'm concerend about, just the last 2 days he's very life less in good form when light is switched on or being fed but soon returns to resting in the bottom of the tank away from the other fish. Yesterday I noticed 2 tiny red dots on his tail.
I would appricate any help or information you could give me.
I feed my fish a complete food from Waltham I leave the water out over night before changing them I also use a maintanance dose of Tonic Salts & stress coat added to the water also they get a feed of mosquito blood worms every 7-10 days.



Answer -
Hi Susan;

How big is your tank?
How big are the fish?
What kind of filtration?
How often do you make water changes?
How much water at a time?

Let me know as soon as you can.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

My Tank is 60lts the Canary Yellow is about 4" he's my biggest fish, my 2 goldfish are about 2-2.5" & I have another carnary yellow which is around 2-2.5" as well. The filtaration is a standard one I bought the whole lot as a starter pack deal. I make water changes around every 4-5wk changing approx a 1/3 of the water which is left out the night before.

Many Thanks
Susan :)

Hi Susan;

The tank is just too small for that many goldfish. The one particular fish is just the first to show signs of overcrowding. It will get worse. To keep those guys alive until you can decide what to do, make a 25% water change right away. After that, change 25% of the water at least twice a week. Vacuum the gravel every week to 2 weeks too.

Your new tank is big enough for maybe 2 goldfish, but that's really pushing it actually and they will each need more room soon. Goldfish are very messy guys that get very big (8 inches long) and need 40 liters or more just for one. Here is a link to a good page about goldfish and their needs;

I hope your fish feels better soon....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins