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Goldfish eat seaweed?

23 16:21:36

I ahve several goldies in a 55gal tank. I was looking in a goldfish forum a few days ago and I saw that someone had said goldfish could eat seaweed. Would that be the seaweed used in makeing sushi? Also, I was wondering if you could tell me about the other fresh foods goldfish can eat (my goldies got dieses from live foods too often and they don't freeze dried or frozen) and how to prepare them. Also, is there any alternative to peas(for relieving contipation) because my goldies (I don't know why) absolutly refuse them.

Hi Joan:  Goldfish... surprisingly will eat almost anything... including each other and their own eggs.  There is a plant called anacharis that they love to nibble on.  I would just stick to flake food or pellets with them... and not try live food... but the anacharis is good for them.  Live brine shrimp is good for relieving constipation... hope this helps... dave