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White clouds on the bottom

23 16:30:00

I just recently got a 20 gal tank kit. I bought 4 White Clouds 24 hours after the tank had been running and heated to 76 deg.  why are the staying in the same bottom corner?

Your fish are being slowly poisoned by high levels of ammonia, you put new fish in the tank way to soon, your aquarium needs to go through a nitrogen cycle prior to adding fish, this process takes around 4 weeks to complete at which point you can start to slowly add fish into the aquarium.  What you can do is start to make daily water changes in the amount of 30% for about 7 days, this should reduce the toxic levels in the aquarium to tolerable levels, after the 7 days reduce the water changes to about 15% daily for another 7 days and then have the water tested to see what the levels are at. To be honest its not likely that your White Clouds will survive, they are touchy and very susceptible to poor water conditions, so if you loose them make sure you give it 4 weeks before you try to add any new fish.