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yuk in tank ....

23 16:42:41

QUESTION:   Dillon,
         I have a 35gal fresh water tank that is growing this white brown algae slim stuff. grows on the rocks. I am now trying to get rid of it by completely cleaning my tank,getting new rocks and filter. nothing else has helped. i did go to several pet stores and showed them and none of them could help.  do you have any ideas what it is? and if it comes back how to get rid of it.
i tried the algae tabs and it only helped for awhile then it came right back, never completely goes away.
 Thank you Janice C.

ANSWER: Ok this sounds like brown algae i can give you directions on how to destroy it :) How do you clean your tank? What kind of fish do you have and how many? How long do you have your light on a day? and do you know what the algae tabs brand name was if not its ok? Please answer the directions so i can give you the best advice on how to kill it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I've never totally cleaned this tank, changed out the water once in a while, emptied out half way added new water and changed the filter, just never had any problems till this past 6 months, and i can't think of anything I've done different or added to cause it. I've had this tank for at least 3 years or more plus other tanks I've done the same way.
I have a few small tetras , one neon left, long tail tetra, silver gramie and a bottom cat fish and a other bottom feeder that i can't spell. I have my light on from 7:30a.m. to about 9:00p.m.   the algae tabs are Jungle brand,no more algae tank buddies.

I sorry i didn't make myself clear how do you clean the tank like get the water out and refill it. I would get 2 clown plecos for your tank and that will keep the algae level down a lot more then it is. Also i would add algaefix to the tank according to the directions and it should kill off the remaining algae. The max. you should have your tank light on a day is 10 hours so i would say your kind of going over the limit. The reason you even have algae is because the amount of time you have your tank light on is 13 and a half hours! that is alot. What i would start doing is weekly water changes with a gravel vac to get the gunk out of the gravel and the dead algae out of the tank.