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Angelfish in 55 gallon

23 16:14:42

I have a fully cycled 55 gallon that I'm going to begin stocking soon. I want to put angelfish in it, but I'm not sure how many can humanely live in a 55 gal. due to their adult size. Also, I already have a clown plec, and a apple snail to go in the tank - what else can cohabitat with an angel? Since they're cichlids, I know they're a bit nippy.

Angel fish are cichlids but they are peaceful cichlids...I have yet to see my adult sized angel turn aggressive on any fish. I even put a tiny angel fish in with it and my adult one leaves it alone.
Though every fish has a different personality, you might end up with the most peaceful fish or one that is just a little bit more towards chasing things. But an angel fish would definately be happy in a 55 gallon tank. As with any fish 'if it can fit in it's mouth it will eat it'. Good luck! Neon Tetras,Danios almost any kind of tetra and community fish does well with angels usually.