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bettas & guppies

23 16:16:01

I just got my mom a fish for her birthday and right now he lives in  the kitchen alone in a 1 gallon tank i think hes bored is it possible that i could add a non-fancy guppy or another not betta fish to his tank even though its only 1 gallon?

Hi Sierra,
I understand your good intention but its really not necessary for bettas to have a companion. They are territorial and tend to enjoy being by themselves. If you add another fish, even if its not colorful at all, it may get pestered and chased to death.

But bettas can get bored, especially in a small tank. Although a 1 galllon tank is convenient its not the best home for a betta. He'll live in it and do alright, but he won't thrive. Bettas enjoy having heated and gently filtered water in a 2-5 gallon tank where they can have a light and some plants and a little cave to go in and out of. I highly believe in fish having an interesting environment to interact with. It's quite important. Also with a little bit larger tank, you could add some ghost shrimp as some interesting companions.

If there is some way you could upgrade a little your betta will really thank you for it.

But otherwise, you can entertain him by showing him a little handheld mirror for a few minutes everyday, he should perk up and flare and race around the tank, its his way of showing and challenging the 'betta in the mirror' - "this is my territory!!"
Also, giving him a silk or real live aquatic plant to rest in and swim through will give him something to do also, bettas love plants.

I hope all goes well!