Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Pleco with Nose Bump

Pleco with Nose Bump

23 16:16:01

Hello David - I have a relatively new tank -  30 days old which I put together with my twins 10.  We started with 2 carnival goldfish fish, 3 store bought fantail goldfish, 2 black moors and 1 plecostomus in a 10 gallon tank.  I have well water here and did not pre-treat before I added the water to the tank. All gravel, coral and decorations were rinsed thoroughly before the fish were added.  In the beginning, we had 2 casualties and then everything leveled off and has been fine.  We have colored gravel, colored coral and the water temp is room temp (@75 F). Over the last week, the pleco developed a faded area at the tip of his nose that turned chalkish white and then developed into a pink bump.  He is behaving fine and eating and enjoying life..but this looks like an injury or disease and I want to treat the fish and tank to avoid any more issues.  All the other fish are in fine shape at this point...Can you suggest  how to help the pleco??  Thanks much....Joanne

Hi Joanne:  Probably... it was a scrape or a bruise that is tying to heal.  I would add some aquarium salt to the tank and give him a day or two to see if he gets any better... if not I would treat him with Malafix and watch his progress.  keep me posted... dave