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hibernating fish

23 16:29:47

our beta fish has been for the last month sleeping for long periods of time with
out moving or eating.  more than once we thought he was dead.  Is he
hibernating and what can we do?  He is in a gallon bowl that is not heated so it
is about 62 degrees F.  we have had him for over a year and he has never done
this before.  should we worry?

Well, I can tell you that part of the issue is the water temp. While fish stores do not usually keep bettas with heaters, bettas are tropical fish and need a water temp of at least 72 degrees to be normal and active. I am guessing that the fish is trying to conserve its energy due to the low temp. I have never heard of a fish hibernating so thats is not the issue. Does the fish have any signs of a disease or parasite? If not, the temp would be my most likely cause. Also, try feeding him a variety of foods. He could also be bored with the food, as fish tend to do this. Get foods like frozen brine shrimp, granuals, or a different flavor food and add these treats every two or three days as a treat. But do not overfeed and feed the stable flake food as the main diet, as this will give the fish the recommended nutrients. However, if I was you I would get a heater before spending money on the food. Make sure and get a heater made for a 1-5 gallon tank, as the bigger heaters will heat the water too much. The water should be anywhere from 72-85 degrees. I hope this helps. Let me know if you need more help or instruction.