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swollen eye

23 15:36:54

my black moor is about 4 years old and about a week ago i noticed that it wasnt swimming very well. then a couple days later it was at the bottom on its side. just the other day i noticed that one of the eyes is twice the size of the other and appears to have some kind of infection. the fish seems to be in a lot of pain and the only swimming it does it thrashing around, the rest of the time its on its side at the bottom of the tank. is there anything i can do and if so what?


He has Popeye.  It's a very painful eye infection, caused by bad water quality, and/or an injury where bacteria has got into the eyeball.

Several things need to be addressed.  His filters need changed asap.  If you can, please add 2 teaspoons of marine salt or rock salt per gallon to the tank, so if you have a 10 gallon tank, add 20 teaspoons of salt to it, and make sure it dissolves.

The salt will combat the popeye and he will recouperate in most instances.  

Then, for water quality issues -

When he's better, please clean the gravel and so some water changes.  Change out all filter media and make sure the water is clear looking when placed in a white bowl.  If it's not, it's not healthy.

Water changes should be at a rate of 25% every 3 days, after the salt is given, 4 times, and then, every month, as recommended at a rate of 25% or 10% on every other weekend.

I hope this helps.  Poor little fellow.
