Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > algae??


25 9:16:36

I am writing you this question because I have no idea where to look for this information. In my 55 gallon freshwater planted aquarium I have this stuff growing on my substrate and glass. It looks a little like some saltwater corals but on a much smaller scale. It appears to be a light brown mostly flat but fuzzy in some parts. It grows in a pattern most resembling a big tree in the winter after its leaves have all fallen off yet flat on the glass. I am running about 3 watts per gallon. I have been testing regularly while watching this and none of my parameters are unusual. I have about 15 plants and about 10-12 fish from the dwarf gourami size and smaller. Is this cyanobacteria or brown algae?

Hi Nickel,
Thanks for your letter. At my site I have posted a quick guide to freshwater aquarium care, see:
From what you've told me, I would say that you are over feeding. The algae is a result of too much food and fish waste in the system. You can cure the problem by reducing the amount of food in their diet.
Also, use a clean sponge (used only for the aquarium) to clean the stuff off the sides. Keep cleaning it off until the new diet clicks in and the water stops producing algae.
Also, make sure that you're not giving too much light. See my web page for recommendations.
Write back again if you want to discuss further.