Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Guppy


23 15:36:54

I wanted to ask you about a goldfish rumor. Is it true or false that a goldfish will only grow as big as it's tank allows it to?
And when you said "There are simply too many fish." I don't understand. The 2 gallon tank only holds 1 fancy guppy.

ANSWER: Hi Manahil,

The 8 gallon has too many fish.  Not the 2. So, to clarify it better, each goldfish needs 5 gallons of his own for proper water quality. 4 at the that is why you are having issues.  

The goldfish rumor is a rumor.  They will get as large as their environment, within reason.  They will still grow, even inside a small tank, but might not reach the 14"-16" maturity length that they would in a pond.

I recently picked up two goldfish from someone's ten gallon tank and I was told they were 2 years old.  When I went to pick them up, I had no idea how big these poor fish were.  They were at least 7" long, each, so no, it's not always true that they only get as big as their environment.  They may grow slower, but they will still grow...and they may not reach full potential, but they will still grow.

When people put goldfish in an aquarium, it causes serious water quality issues for the fish.  His growth is slowed because he will live in worse water conditions.  

Ever notice how kids raised in the country outgrew the city kids? That is because of environment.  Environment plays a big part of our growth, and bad air quality makes us shorter, whereas country kids, who have better air, tend to live healthier, longer, and larger lives.

It's the same with fish.  The water quality contributes to their longevity and size.

A goldfish is a pond fish, although many keep them in aquariums.

:) Renee

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I know I have to get rid of the goldfish but I don't know how. My friend has a larger aquarium then me but she refused the goldfish and I can't put a pond in my yards. I'm afraid that they will eventually die in my aquarium and they are almost as big as my hand so the idea of a hand sized dead fish floating in my aquarium is a real nightmare, especially with all the other fish dying one by one. I need help getting rid of them.
  When I bought them I had no idea of what a problem they'd bring. When I first saw them I didn't see the giants inside them I only saw cute finger sized fish.
  It's hard to part with any pet if you really know them. I'm also afraid if I sell them someone will use them as bait or put them in a smaller tank then me, not knowing their capabilities. And I do want them to go in a better way then dying but I don't know how. I don't have any more friends with big aquariums and I don't know anyone else. I CAN'T get rid of them.
Any ideas?

Hi Manahil,

They sound adorable.  I love them when they get big, but fortunately, we were able to put them outside too.

Hmm, well, the best suggestion I have is to go to and place an ad that they are up for adoption in the Pet section.

Screen the applicants.  Tell them in the ad that they need to be given to a pond home.  This will alleviate any tank issues!

It's best for them to live in a pond anyway and this way they will swim in a big tank forever. :)
