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Recommended Reading

25 9:16:25

Firstly thank you for a recent answer it has greatly improved the situation. I am really enjoying the world of fish-keeping. As a result I would like to know all that I can to keep everything going along smoothly. I was wondering could you recommend a good tropical fish keeping book. I usually use for my books and the choice of book on the subject is vast so I would appreciate the guidance.
PS if you haven't already you should write a book yourself.

Thanking you in advance

Hi Jake;

Thanks for the compliment! I have considered writing a book but I barely have time to come and answer questions as it is. Oh well. Barron's has some really good smaller books with pretty decent info. The old standby "Baensch Atlas" volumes are great and Axelrod's books are good too. A bit pricey but with excellent full color photos. In bigger books, look for indices by scientific name as well as common names. It's hard to find your fish in some that go one way.

What you might try to do is go to a fish store and browse through some books there. Ask if you can see their reference books. (Most stores guard them like gold behind the counter!) There may be older ones like them available 'used' on ebay or even Amazon.  Look for facts of fishkeeping in them that you know to be true. If you read anything contrary, don't get it.

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins