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Betta die after a week

23 16:25:06

Hi David,
My Betta, died after 10 days. I went and get a bamboo into the tank on the 7th day, later on, he became so aggressive. Last night, he swim weird, crazily and aggressively, i thought he was going to die, and he died today. Last night I observed his body got kinda, his body got lots of mold on it, white and mold.. what are they? could it be caused by the bamboo? I thought bamboo will help to take away some toxic from the waste.. What should I do? I don't know if I should get another Betta. so upset.

Hi May:

Sorry to hear of your fish loss.  It sounds like your fish had a bacterial or fungal infection.  Live plants wont specifically help cure either a bacterial or fungal infection but they can help to prevent fungal and bacterial build up by helping to keep the water in the tank healthy.  When keeping fish especially betta fish remember to do partial water changes on a regular basis.  The smaller the tank the more frequent the water change also if you have more fish in a tank you will need to change the water more often.  I don't think your fish died because of the bamboo though it is possible that the bamboo had a bacteria or fungi on it when you purchased it.  Also to be considered is that aquatic plants from the wild may also bring with them bacterium or fungus that can kill your fish... Some plants may also make the tank water toxic as will other items like untreated driftwood, etc.   What I would do if I were you is I would clean the tank, add some anti-fungal or anti-bacterial solution and let the tank sit for about a week, take some water into your local aquarium and have it tested for chemical balance or do it yourself and then get a new fish.  I hope this helps and don't be afraid to get another fish... they are very rewarding pets... Dave