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Discus, from allexperts, Expert Alex

23 16:23:01

currently have two approx.4 inch discus in 55 gal. with one blue ram, one clown pleco, 4 otocinclus, and two cory cats. LFS person trying to talk me into at least two more discus . while i love them i fear that four would be too many. tank filtered with emperor 400, temp 84 degrees, ph 7.4 all other parameters within acceptable ranges. moved 6 gold rams from 55 gal cause discus seemed put out with all of their antics any thoughts?

Do NOT listen to that person, your tank is right now on the borderline of overstock, but not quite so you may not need to remove anyone. Your tank seems fine right now, I like the way everything is set up with your 84 F degrees and pH of 7.4. So your fish shouldn't be stressed much, it was wise of you to remove the six gold rams to another tank as the discus probably were a bit frightened with them skimming around all over the place. I would say your tank is well stocked and I do NOT recommend another two discus, unfortunately that person is only interested in making a profit and not in the well care of the fish, or they forgot that your fish will continue to grow and such and such. I think your better off if you just keep what you have. Have a good weekend!