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sick severum

23 16:22:11

Hey there, i've had a green severum for about a year now and previously had no problems but a few days ago he became unwell and started excreting from his mucus membraine he constantly has his fins tightly clamped to his side and spends most of the day hiding,only coming out when its feeding time. I've kept fish for a number of years but luckily not experienced anything worse than white-spot before. he's in a tank with non violent fish smaller than he is(he's 5 inch's) and the water chemistry is good. any help would be very much appreciated,thankyou.

Hi James:  Sorry to hear that your Severum is ill.... what is the water temperature???? it should normally be between 78-82 but im going to suggest you raise it to about 86... do this slowly so that the fish do not get stressed.  Also you will want to add aquarium salt to the water... I would not medicate yet... see if the temp increase and the salt work... so tomorrow let me know how he is doing... dave