Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > pengasius


23 16:07:53

QUESTION: My pengasius is about 45cm long. We are currently shopping for a 2.5m tank. My question is why does he eat anything that moves and also if we get close to the tank he snaps at us through the glass. What can i feed him except live bait? Every 'companion' we have put in with him became lunch - even one of his own species. Thank you for your time.

ANSWER: Jolinda,
Interesting! Usually Pangasius are shy and nervous fish...its unusual yours is interacting with people!

These large catfish are known to eat fish just small enough to fit in their mouth and there's nothing you can do but try to find tankmates. Unfortunately there aren't too many suitable species available. Usually stream-lined fish are always going to be lunch. Some large cichlids might be OK but you'll have to be careful about the aggression issues that come with large cichlids often. Similar sized species are your best bet either way.

Pangasius are large omnivorous and I would try giving yours large fish food pellets (such as the kinda specifically for "large" fish) some frozen shrimp/krill, and other large frozen fish foods. They should definitely have a more well balanced diet with both meaty and green foods. You could try most of the common aquarium foods available like algae wafers and catfish pellets too. Usually the norm for Pangasius is they will eat all available foods. But they can like many fish, become spoiled on just one type of food especially feeders. And you'll have to work with them a lot and keep trying to get them to accept new foods into their diet.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I have one problem, he does not eat or 'see' things that float. it has to drift down. i have tried bloodworms but he either ignores it or is just to lazy to go to the top. we have had him since small and gave it alot of attention.

Hi there!
Frozen foods will sink (if completely thawed) and I highly recommend you try some mysis shrimp, silver sides or similar frozen foods for your pangasius. I believe Hikari brand as well as many other brands makes sinking pellets and tablets for large fish which will help get more vitamins and nutrition into his system.

Best of luck, I know you love your Pangasius and I hope this helps!