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Disappearing cory

23 15:45:16

We have a fresh water aquarium with guppies, tetras, 3 shrimp (non-aggressive) and leopard corydoras. Tonight we have noticed that the female of the two corys has completely disappeared. We have moved around ornaments and there is absolutely no sign of her. The strange thing is that this happened with our previous female (the mother to the one just lost). We are completely at a loss to know what has happened and are wondering what is happening to our female corys. Do you know if they hide to die or have you heard of this happening before?

Dear Julia,
It's really a strong need to put the shrimps to another separate tank and notice. The shrimps are the cause of it as the cory may be died, you will not found their body. Otherwise, if the cory is also be eaten by the Shrimp.
Be careful !

* For further detail email or contact me * or, Cell. No. +91 9434146179 or 00919434146179