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Lots of fish

23 15:28:30

hi samuel,

if you could please help me. I need to know
if i could fit 5 zebra danios, 5 glo fish, 1 bristlenose,
5 White cloud mountain minnows and 5 neon tetras in a
110 liter tank and do glo fish actually glo in the dark.


Hi Natasha,
You can't have ALL 21 those of fish in that tank. (I like lots of fish in my tank too!) They need more space. Try a 130-170 liter tank (35-40 gallons). Remember to have a heater, filter, and lighting in your tank.
Glofish don't really glow, they absorb light and then send it back out. This makes them look like they are glowing, especially under a black light in a dark room.
Hope this helps! :D