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Betta fin rot

23 15:26:44

Sorry to send you multiple emails but it won't bet my post a follow up email.
I have purchased a better heater as said in the previous email and I also got some treatment when I went to a proper aquarium shop. It is called multi cure which treats white spot, velvet disease and fungal diseases. It also contains malachite green and methylene blue as well as acriflavine. I also found out that fin rot can either be bacterial or fungal which worries me because I may have been given the wrong product. I have added the required amount and removed my carbon from the tank, already my fish is displaying his fins more often and is more active. Do you think it should do the trick?

Thanks again for all your help, it is much appreciated.

ANSWER: Alexander,
I do not know if it will do the trick. I do not use any chemicals in my tanks. All I add is salt. You could have healed him with the added salt in his tank for a few weeks. I hope that this medication does not harm your juvenile Betta.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, I too believe that the salt should work as I don't see any more fin loss which is a good sign!
My ammonia levels, even doing the water changes are still not going down and I am not overfeeding him. I have added my carbon in because I would assume that the medication would stop the bacteria forming. I know is doesn't destroy it though which is good, but better to do it the natural way as you said, as I really don't want him to die, that would be very upsetting. I will continue doing the water change but if my ammonia doesn't go down do you have any suggestions? I understand it will take time but I have changed it every day for four days and no luck, my nitrates have gone down a lot though.

I do not see any fin healing but as long as the fin rotting is slowing down but at least it's getting better for now!

thank you for your help

When you are doing the water changes, are you cleaning the gravel as well? You need to vacuum the gravel to remove waste and any uneaten food from the tank. If you are not ding that, that could be why your ammonia levels are not going down. If he is in the right size tank, 5 gallons, you can get a small gravel vacuum. They are not that expensive. When you vacuum the gravel, you are also taking out water. It is the best way to get the ammonia down.