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Air Stone?

23 16:08:23


I just recently set up an Eclipse Hex 5 aquarium with a bio-wheel filter and added three danios on Friday, 10/10. They're doing great so far. I don't have an air pump or an air stone, but now I'm wondering about one. Is it a good idea to have one, and if so, how would I go about adding one to an aquarium that already has fish??

Thank you!

ANSWER: Hi Andrea,
Airstones are great for good water circulation and aeration. Especially for overstocked aquariums or those needing more circulation. Airstones are also aesthetically pleasing of course but they are not always necessary. Most aquariums do fine without them because today's filters work efficiently enough to aerate the water and provide all the oxygen your fish needs.

If you'd like to have one, go ahead. Danios love lots of water circulation to swim through. They will often position themselves to swim directly into the outflow of a filter for several minutes just for the sheer fun/exercise. There's no problem adding one now that you have fish either. No problem at all.

I hope this helps and best of luck with your new tank!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for the answer, Karen! I think I am going to get a small air stone. How would I go about installing it while my fish are still in the aquarium? Do they go under the gravel?

I have a couple of follow-up questions. First of all, the temperatures around here are starting to drop, and I'm guessing I need a heater for the winder. My question is, would a 50w heater for my 5-gallon aquarium be okay, or would sticking to a 25w be smarter?

Also, my tank is in the cycling process. I have tried to research about this and have found about a million different answers, all saying different things, so I thought I'd ask you and then just go with your advice....the question is, should I be doing partial water changes with a siphon during this time? Or should I wait for the cycling process to be over?

I hope that wasn't question overload. Thanks again for your answers! :)

Hey and you're welcome!
Airstones can be put pretty much anywhere in your tank. They look best if you just wedge it behind a decoration so it can bubble up from the bottom.

I suppose the heater power you'll need depends upon how cold your room gets. If it gets really cold like perhaps below lower 60's for example you might need a little stronger heater.  

While your aquarium is cycling, its perfectly fine to do water changes. It is often vital to do water changes while your tank is cycling because of the dangerous ammonia buildup, the bacteria will still establish and all will be well. Ideally the best way to determine this is to test your water for ammonia frequently at least every day to make sure whether or not it is in the "tolerable" zone and not rising to truly deadly levels.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!!!!!