Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > ROPE FISH


23 16:08:22

we have a 75 gal set up with about 18 fish, mollies, guppies, a spotted catfish ,two ropes and a red tailed shark.
we have had the ropes about 2 1/2 months. they were living inside a large rock together. they eat well, shrimp pellets and frozen shrimp. about a week ago one rope moved into a small house-like structure with the catfish and two days ago we saw a small red bump in the middle of his back--today my husband though he was biting at it and now there is a small pinpoint of red blood. should we put medicine in the water? also what do you think the cause could be. we have seen no agression toward him with the exception of the other rope hanging onto his tail once.

Hi Sherrie,
Sounds like either a bite from another fish such as in a territorial or cave conflict. Or it could be a bacterial infection. I can't say whether or not he would need medication and I wouldn't try to treat a whole 75 gallon and risk destroying the beneficial bacteria right away.

I would start doing daily partial water changes ideally around 30% or so. This can help induce healing and remove bad bacteria that could infect his wound. If the redness continues to spread he may have an infection and a quick hospital tank setup is in order. Make sure its well-covered. And continue doing daily large water changes on the hospital tank.

Ropefish may be very sensitive to some medications so I don't feel too comfortable advising you to treat with just any old med. So make sure any antibiotic you get read about it thoroughly and make sure its safe for ropefish.

Best of luck and I hope all goes well!