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gourami sickness

25 9:17:19

We bought new dwarf gouramis( different varieties) about a 1 and a 1/2 weeks ago.  The next day one was dead.  This happens.  About 3 days later I noticed one(red stripe) had a white spot on the top of his head.  At first, I thought I just hadn't noticed it earlier and it belonged there.  Yesterday, one of the others(blue) now has a small spot and the first one's spot now appears "open".  This afternoon, I noticed a third(red)  has it on it's side.  I thought maybe hole in the head, but the pics from the internet aren't the same and it's not ick.  Been there, done that.  In all other aspects they seem healthy -- eating, swimming, etc.  My main concern is making my other fish sick.  I don't mind removing these from the tank to treat, but what about the others.  3 angels, 8(total) gouramis, 3 black fin tetras, 1 bristle nose pleco, 1 goby, and 1 sturgeon.  Thanks for your time.


Unfortunately it is difficult to diagnose a disease when there is little we know about it but a red spot, but we can try and find a general cure that may help.

There are four main things it could be caused by: fungus, bacteria, parasites or wounds. Fungus is white, so that can't be it. If there are other symptoms like listlessness, loss of appetite, scratching, clamped fins, lethargy ect. then I would treat for a bacterial infection with a product like Melafix, which is a natural antibacterial. If there is only one dot of each fish then its most likely not a parasite, but if more dots appear then you might want to treat the tank for parasites. Finally, if it looks torn or 'open' then it may be a wound and you should use an antibacterial just to make sure it doesn't get infected.

Although I recommended a couple different meds, don't use more then one kind at a time. I recommend starting with an antibacterial unles you start to see more similar sized spots that maybe even move when you watch them. Then its a parasite.

I hope this helps a bit.

From Stephanie