Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Possible sick tiger barb and gourami

Possible sick tiger barb and gourami

23 16:57:07

Hi Chris,
The run down is a 30gal tank (you helped with the tank in Dec.), 1 sunset gourami is looking "chubby", not dropdy or bloat, he is eating like a pig, swimming fine, just much chubbier then his partner, do fish get fat?

Second. I have 5 tiger barbs, 3 silver dollars in this tank also. Today I noticed that one of the barbs was not the deep gold and black he an the others normally are, but very pale looking, he's swimming okay, and came up to feed today, he just looks bleached. any ideas?

Hi Robin;

Fish can indeed get fat. It's very possible it's a female full of eggs too. If it's color is lighter than the other I would say female. If it's bright, just a fat little male!

Tiger barbs will pale and isolate themselves if they aren't feeling well, from bullying or sometimes females will do that when they are full of eggs. If you can isolate the fish and watch it, it may get enough rest to recover from whatever ails it. Tiger Barbs cab get pretty aggressive with each other.

If you aren't doing so already, make frequent water changes to keep the whole tank healthy. Your fish will be able to fight off disease better on their own that way. Make weekly water changes of 25% and gravel vac every 1 or 2 weeks.

I hope everyone is okay....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins