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Housing female Bettas together

23 15:40:34

Hi Jaymie, I have a female betta right now and am housing it in a Betta Keeper that is 8in wide and 5in tall and 4in in diameter, and I was thinking about getting her another female friend but am not sure if that would be enough room for them and if they would fight or get along. If it is enough room for two female bettas how would I get them to get along. P.S I am currently feeding my female betta Aqua Culture color-enhancing pelleted betta food and was curious if it really enhances their color, and if it does how does it work and how long does it usually take to effect their color. Also do you think my betta will get any bigger in that size of home or stay the same size, she is about 1 1/2in. Thank You so much!


Unfortunately unless the females have been raised together since they were fry, they will most likely not get along. The size of your bowl is too small for one Betta. There is no way you can put 2 in there even if they are female. Since Betta's are tropical fish, you need to have a heater in her tank set to 82 degrees. Betta's should be in a tank no less than 2.5 gallons. I know that pet stores sell bowls claiming they are good for Betta's but that is inhumanely too small. If you want to have a happy healthy Betta for years to come, I would put her in a tank as soon as you can.