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High nitrates?

23 15:26:59

I have 2 dwarf puffers in a 10 gallon tank and I just added new gravel. I didn't do anything to the gravel, i just put it in there. I forgot to rinse :( On the bag it said "You may have to rinse it because it may change the PH" But it didn't change the PH i don't think, just the nitrate. I also got a new plastic plant. One of my dwarf puffers (the nicer one) keeps swimming up and down the sides of the tank walls really fast. I'm really worried. I got my water checked and the nitrates were up a little bit so I got this water conditioner that lowers nitrates. I put the amount in the tank and the puffer still is doing that. I don't want him to die, how can I keep him from dying? Please help! I can't go to the store until tomorrow and I might not even be able to! Should I do a small water change tomorrow? If they are still living? What else can I do? I do have a filter.

To bring it down, do a 50% water change. Don't forget to use a good water conditioner and make sure the water going iinto the tank is the same temperature as the water in the tank. Then on the next day test your water. If the nitrates are high do another 25% water change. If the nitrates are 25ppm or lower you should be ok. The one that is "dart swimming" as I call it might just see his reflection. Just keep an eye on him. You should test your Ph and make sure it is ok too. I don't think the swimming will harm the fish. My male Betta's do that all the time. Just make sure you rinse everything before you add it to your tank. Let me know what all the water readings are. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrates and Ph.