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25 9:11:57

Hi Chris,
I went to the petshop saturday and they gladly gave me free snails ( yay! ) to get rid of them(I went after you gave me the info on snails). I got 3 malaysian trumpet snails and one weird looking snail (wanted more but the guy told me in a couple of weeks I'll have lots more so thats just enough).  The guy at the petshop couldnt tell what it was so im asking you. The snail is brown with a round shell (not twisted up like ramshorn)  and its got some sort tubes coming out the shell (there are couple of them). Somehow my pond snail is very attracted to this new snail (maybe its a kind of pond snail?).
I was thinking about getting some little shrimp for my tanks. Will shrimp do in cold water in my 2 gallon tank with my snails? Will my snails eat the shrimp or will the shrimp eat my snails? If I get a small lobster (the blue ones) will it eat my shrimp/snails (in a 20 gallon heated tank). Will it eat my pleco?
I was also wondering if I can put 2 guppies in my 2 gallon tank wich isnt heated. Will guppies eat snails?(cause I dont want my snails to be eaten). Can I put guppies in my 20 gallon heated tank with my black tetras, serpeas, pleco and zebra danios?(cause I think black tetras and serpeas are bit agressive.) Will guppies breed in those condition or do I need a special tank arrangement?
Thanks for the help its really apreciated. Olivier

20 gallon heated : 2 zebra danios, 2 black tetras, 1 golden pleco, 2 serpea, 1 live long red plant.
2 gallon : 3 malaysian trumpet snails, 1 pond snail, 1 weird unknow snail, 1 live small green plant.

Hi Olivier;

Free snails! Great score! I had to pay for my malaysians last time. But, I love them and after starting out with only 4 or 5 I have at least 12 of them now.

I wouldn't put any fish with the snails and especially not a lobster. Lobsters will eat them and with the snails alone it is pretty crowded. Snails actually make more mess than they clean up. Eating and pooping machines for sure!

The serpaes, tetras and even danios would probably nip the fins off the guppies too. You might just set up a ten or 20 gallon and put three guppies in it. One male and two females is a good ratio, but 3 females per male is best. Here's a good page on guppies and their breeding needs;

About the unknown snail..... Are the protrusions from the body itself or are they actually from the shell? If I didn't give it to you already, here is a good link to mystery snails, it might be one of those cool guys;

Have fun and let me know if you need more help.....

Chris Robbins