Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > planaria or nematode

planaria or nematode

23 16:59:18

with these parasites i think my fish are eating them are they internal parasites also? i read on how to get rid of them but i just want to make sure my convicts and flowerhorns are ok. the rosey reds eat them also.

Hi Rob;

They are not harmful to your fish in any way and are not really parasites so don't worry. A parasite is "an organism that lives in or on and takes it's nourishment from another organism". These critters feed on the waste your fish make and not on the fish themselves. They are simply scavengers that are doing an important job. It is perfectly fine for the fish to eat them. It's what they would do in nature too. Just another link in the food chain.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins