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Stinky plant?

23 16:09:07

Hi, I've had a little betta in a one gallon tank for about 6 weeks. I gave him another plastic plant today (he already has one that he likes), but it has made the water smell like plastic. He's scared of it because it's new, but beyond that I'm just concerned that the smell is indicative of something toxic. Should it be removed? Also, how much and how often should I be changing his water? I do 60% changes about 4 times a week right now. But I've started to worry that is too much.


Hi Beth
If you're worried about the plant, I would remove it then.  Especially if he's not fond of it at the moment either.  Make sure the plants aren't sharp as well, some of the plastic plants do have sharp edges that's bad for betta fins.  Silk or live plants is best with them.

I would be doing about a 50% change every other day or so. So, you're schedule sounds fine.  Just be sure to keep the new water temp as close as possible to what he's in to avoid any shock to him.  You really can't do too many water changes.  Take care of the water, and the fish basically takes care of himself-to keep healthy anyway.  

Hope that helps and good luck with him!
