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Algea eater?

23 16:48:41

Hi Karen.  Thanks in advance again for your wisdom, experience and your time.  Just wondering, I read somewhere in your past answers about a good algea eater catfish, but can't remember what it was called or where I read it.  So, just wondering if you could make a recommendation?  I have a 30 gallon tank with 7 platies and 3 tetras.  What would you recommend?  Thanks again for your time.

Dear Matthew,
My favorite Algae eater catfish is the lovely Bristlenose Pleco. Also sometimes called Bushy-nosed pleco or Ancistrus catfish. These are like regular plecos but never grow to the massive size that common plecs do. Bristlenose plecs top out at about 4 inches max and the males grow a jungle of almost tentacle-like ornaments on their nose. Females are much more dainty. Bristlenose are easy to care for and easy to raise. They need plenty of vegetable foods such as Zuchinni, spinach, romain lettuce, peas, even green beans, and of course algae wafers ect... They are excellent algae eaters and do a very good job at it infact but within reason, sometimes the very hardy to scrape algae can be overlooked by Bristlenoses like most other algae eaters.
These fish are great, they get along with everyone and few fish bother them (besides say, aggressive cichlids) and they come in a very neat Albino form as well as the usual mottled brownish coloration. Surprisingly, despite all the wonderful things about bristlenose plecos, around here they are rare and hard to find. The one I own I cherish dearly because you just don't see them anywhere and when I found the one I did I was lucky. They might be more plentiful in other areas but I know around here they are rare and sometimes expensive!
Hopefully things will be different for your area.

Either way, Bristlenose plecos will be perfect for your 30gal, they like a hiding place of course and do tend to be nocturnal but they will come out during the day frequently if they feel safe.

My next favorite algae eater is the tiny little Otocinclus catfish. Sometimes called Oto-cats or O-cats. They grow to only an inch and have a neat stripe down their side. They are peaceful and can clean algae from plant leaves without damaging them. They can easily get into tight corners also.
Otocinclus get along with everyone and if the algae is gone from their tank they can easily be fed with the usual algae-eater foods. Otos are easy to find and inexpensive compared to the Bristlenose plecos usually. However, they do sometimes have trouble getting acclimated to your tank when you bring them home. Extra floating time and ideally using a drip-acclimation is best and once established Otocinclus are hardy and long-lived.

I really hope this helps!
Happy fishkeeping,